Optimized menuboards begin with a menu strategy. Surprisingly, many restaurant chains do not have a cohesive and well documented menu strategy linked to high-level business objectives. A menu strategy is the missing link to realizing menuboard optimization.
Before you decide what goes on your menuboard or where items will be placed, and long before you decide what the menuboard will look like, you need to create a menu strategy. A menu strategy is all about identifying and prioritizing your brand's desired business objectives as related to the food and beverage products offered. Surprisingly, many restaurant chains do not have a cohesive and well-documented menu strategy linked to high-level business objectives. It is the missing link to realizing menuboard optimization. As a result, strategy is not guiding what products are offered, their priorities, and how the menuboard should be designed to get the desired business results. Creating and agreeing on a menu strategy is a critical step in how effective menuboards are developed. Having a menu strategy navigates the way to optimized menuboards.
Where Do You Stand With Your Menu Strategy?
Do you have a documented menu strategy in place? Have you developed your business objectives? Have you prioritized your food platforms? Have you identified the key opportunities that will allow you to realize your business objectives? If not, King-Casey can help. We will work closely with your team to develop and document a business-driven menu strategy, the critical first step in menuboard optimization.
Get a Free Copy of Menu Strategy Modeling
If you would like a copy of our 4-page King-Casey Report to learn more about navigating your way to an optimized menuboard, please click here.

A “Menu Strategy” is all about identifying and prioritizing your brand’s desired business objectives as related to the food and beverage products offered.

With the inputs in place, it’s time to develop your new or enhanced Menu Strategy. Creating the Menu Strategy typically involves a day-long, interactive workshop with key stakeholders.

A “Menu Strategy” is all about identifying and prioritizing your brand’s desired business objectives as related to the food and beverage products offered.