We know drive-thru's, and we understand what it takes to increase sales, speed thruput and delight customers at the drive thru. We work closely with our clients to provide an entry-to-exit strategy and design solution that will deliver measureable results. There are specific design and communication solutions developed for each of the seven key customer zones of the drive-thru.

Sales at the drive-thru can account for over 50% of a QSR’s total business. And yet this cluster of zones are seldom given the same level of strategic thinking and design innovation as is given to the interior of the store. Oddly, even new drive-thrus constructions continue to be configured around the in-store business and its respective brick and mortar. Pad Configuration should optimize and maximize the space utilization.

Once you’ve identified the zones within your drive-thru, it’s time to develop a strategy for each zone. This ensures that the resulting merchandising and communication pieces work effectively within specific zones. Note that the actual “design” is the last step. When you get the strategic elements right, you can increase sales, profits, thru-put and customer satisfaction.

Sales at the drive-thru can account for over 50% of a QSR’s total business. And yet this cluster of zones are seldom given the same level of strategic thinking and design innovation as is given to the interior of the store. Oddly, even new drive-thrus constructions continue to be configured around the in-store business and its respective brick and mortar. Pad Configuration should optimize and maximize the space utilization.
COZI®: Our Proprietary Approach to Drive-Thru Optimization
COZI® is an acronym for Customer Operating Zone Improvement. It’s King·Casey’s exclusive analytical process for improving how you present your brand to customers to create a better customer experience. By understanding how customers use an environment, we create innovative, customer-centric store design, branding, communications and merchandising strategies. The resulting solutions better meet customers’ needs, improve their experience with your brand, and blow away the competition. Learn more here.